Monday, June 25, 2012

The Fourth Crash Of My Computer

My computer has died yet again and gone off to that lovely land of Texas to visit the technical support department that loves to re-issue re-boot re-everything. I often wish that the technicians would send me a postcard with the computer when it comes back, but this has yet to happen.

So with hesitant hands that linger over the keyboard desperately trying to think if they should really touch this thing or not? I finally end my vacillation and let my hands drop gingerly touching the keys expecting maybe sparks or some kind of new unpleasant thing.

 This is my computer's last trip to that magical land of Texas. For the warrantee is in a flawlessly dead state after one year. Thankfully knowing that the next time it dies it will be a death worthy of its status in my life. It will probably be given to a dung heap for its approval…only to be rejected. I mean even dung heaps have their standards.

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