Thursday, October 16, 2008


My wife said, “You need a hobby, all you do is sit in front of that computer all day!” “So what do you think I should do?” “I don’t know, use that brain of yours.”

I gave it all the thought four seconds would allow and said, “How about I build something with my hands like a pagan shrine in our backyard.”
Half listening to what I said she turned to do the dishes, “Whatever just don’t make a big mess.” “Okay Dear.”

So that’s when I started to build my R scale version of Stonehenge. With some minor alterations to my wheelbarrow to carry the thirty-two metric ton monoliths I was on my way.

My fingers being so strong from all the typing I do made the moving of these massive stones an easy job.

I was just about to sacrifice the neighbor’s dog to purify the structure when my wife said, “Dinners on!” So I let him go and went to eat.

While I was eating my dessert I heard an unholy din from the backyard only to find that my daughter mistook them for real big dominos and had watched them fall in a chain reaction.

Sadly I gave up on my new found paganism and went back to working on my blog.

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