Friday, June 16, 2006

Chicago Crime Archive

It was a rainy night in Chicago, the kind that comes down hard and runs all the trash down the storm drains. Too bad it can’t run all the human trash down the drain to.

I got a call from Sergeant Edward; he wanted me down at Fifth Street right away. I needed another case anyway.

I worked my way through the crowd of crime scene onlookers - Man, I hate them clowns.
When I stepped over the yellow police tape I said, “You guys are mistaken, the circus is on the other side of town.”

One of the boys in blue smiled and said, “Hay, Brad, I hope you ain’t ate yet, cause you’ll loose it soon enough going in there. I don’t envy a private dick on this one?” “Yo, Bobby boy, I got a sandwich in my pocket.”

When I went in the front door Sergeant Edward waved me over. They were just pulling the sheet over the burnt out light bulb. Edward said, “That bulb hasn’t been dead long Brad, but them $#*! Homeowners, the old bulb isn’t even cold yet and they already got some new bulb to replace him.”

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