Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Are you in an Ethics 101 course?  If so here are 4 rules that will help you pass.

1. What your teacher thinks is right, trumps your right.

2.  If you agree with your teacher he will think you’re kissing up, so say, “Wow I never thought of it that way before…”  Now he thinks he has made an impact on you.

3. Never think of anything as an absolute, use situational ethics at all times. Examples: But what if he is doing it for his kids?  But if you’re starving can’t you steal?

4. The teacher will have a favorite Author or person in the field.  Never quote them or refer to them in anyway.  You will always be wrong in your understanding and not in line with your teachers, even if you’re right see rule 1.  


Heather said...

In order:
1. Bring a Rook deck and every time you want to make a point play a card.
2. "WoW! I never thought of it like that before!"
3. I can't really mock this one, it's THAT true.

4. Refer to favorite author then slide Rook card forward, DEFIANTLY!
I don't know quite how you would do something like that defiantly but I'm sure you'll find a way.

Mr ZZ said...

As in an axiom of Spanosa, (and of course more than a mere platitude set to a quantification of syllabification) “That which cannot be conceived through anything else must be conceived through itself.” SLAM!! “My Rook card has been irrevocably played in the direction of its just pose.” Flowed be a loud smacking of lips with your chin held high.