Friday, June 24, 2011


Doctors have the ability to make you feel guilty about everything."What you drink tap water? Ya might as well put a loaded gun in your mouth!"

Doctors gravitate towards the most embarrassing parts of you, with cold hands.

Doctors will ask you what insurance you have, but don't like it if you ask what insurance they have.

Doctors love you to fill out forms so they can throw them in the pile with the other patient's forms.

Doctors like you to lose weight, but wont tell you how.

Doctors are never ever done with you. You will always have a follow up appointment.

Doctors like you to leave work to see them, so you make less money to pay your fee.

You will see more of the waiting room then the Doctor.

Doctors could easily give you your shot in the arm, but your butt is much more fun.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

New Slogan Contest

Dashtic Enterprises is unveiling our new logo and slogan. So we decided to have a contest to pick our new slogan which will be the one above. But don’t let that stop you from entering!

Some of our past winners have been.

For when you absolutely have to.

We’re more than them we’re us.

We ought to be there…just look.

Tomorrow today give or take an hour.

And of course this year’s winner!

We’re a local company if you live here.

Good luck and you can enter as many times as you like.

P.S. that is not a copy right symbol under our name, but a P being held up by a stick inside a plastic bubble.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Practice makes perfect

You might find it hard to believe, but I touched this shot up.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Hair Club For Martians

Why be bald and Green

When you can sport that new do.

Saturday, June 11, 2011