Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Me Me Me

I had made longer versions of two of the subjects in the about me section that the 150 word minimum would not allow. So here they are:

About Me I made a dark wager with a man in black to explain why I have teeth? He said to eat my son and when your eating remember never eat anything bigger then your head. And that is why to this very day I always think of stuff while I am eating and not those annoying kids in the other booth.

You’re trapped in a well with a goat and a slinky. Describe how you will escape. Wow! A goat and a slinky! Why on earth would I want to escape? But if I had to escape I would say to the goat,” I want to go home now and watch the radio.” Most goats would not get it but not this goat he would start to laugh and this would break the tension. We would then step out of the well for we would find that it was very shallow. We would both go or own ways, but no one would ever see the slinky again.

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