Sunday, December 20, 2015

The Master’s Touch

If you do any kind of art, you will have a favorite famous artist.
Most of the stories of the great artists are tales of how they suffered for their art and labored to show meaning in every brush stroke only to die penniless and broken.
Then you will read a story about some elephant at some zoo that paints by flicking some big brush on a canvas for a handful of peanuts and the zoo sells the paintings for hundreds of dollars.

Just thought I’d encourage artistic greatness.

Friday, December 11, 2015

The Mighty Hunter

How Not To Cartoon

1. Don’t make a joke that has to be explained.
This is lichen
Lichen: simple slow-growing plant that typically forms a low crustlike, leaflike, or branching growth on rocks, walls, and trees.
2. Don’t do inside jokes.
My daughter and I were listening to an audio book, that went on and on with mind numbing details. At one point it said, “The lichen was pallid.” I said, “Oh no…the lichen is pallid!” She laughed and we used it as a run on joke for a week. “Dad look out for the pallid lichen and so on.
3. Don’t post it to a blog.

Dave Had A Bad Poker Face

9 to 5

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Wow I made an animated gif!

I put a subliminal message in it that makes the viewer woefully unimpressed.