Hello, were from S.A.K.K.
S.A.K.K....what’s that?
“Sad And Creepy...Kinda”…we’re a club.
You don’t spell creepy with a K.
But that’s the way we do it, it makes it creepy…kinda. Here’s our brochure.
All it is, is pictures of you in your underwear!
Oh, that’s sad and creepy…kinda.
Okay we'll go next door.
*Slam!*…*Knock knock knock!*…*Door is reopened*
Hey you live here to…wow! That’s creepy…kinda.
*Slam!*…*Knock knock knock!*
I’m not answering that!
I think you should there's a puddle coming under the door.
*Door reopened*
Now what?
I’ll show you our secret handshake.
First I lick my hand. *lick lick lick lick*
Now I rub it in the dirt. *Flump flump*
Now just a little whipped cream. *Pssssshhhh*
No Way!
Why? Would it be creepy…kinda?